Appear on the Outvertising Podcast - October 2020

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Work-Life Balance, post COVID-19

October is the month of World Mental Health Day and National Work-Life Week.

And the month the government's furlough scheme comes to an end, as many brands and agencies may start a return to the office. But with fears around a second COVID-19 wave, redundancies across the industry and increasing numbers of people actually preferring to work from home - what does that means for work/life balance and the mental health of our industry?

Especially for the LGBTQ+ community - who are twice as likely to experience mental health issues.

The Outvertising Podcast is looking for a small group to discuss their fears, concerns and if they wish, personal stories.

We'd also like to hear from agencies and brands about what measures they're putting in place to support staff wellbeing. You'll be needed for 1-hour one evening in late September (on a mutually agreed date), and you'll need a stable internet connection. The chat will be pre-recorded and then broadcast on or around the 7/10.

Contact us via podcast enquiry form at the bottom of the page. if you'd like to take part. Deadline 14th September.

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