
Farewell and thank you to Outvertising podcast founder, Joanne Oatts

Joanne Oatts (She/Her)

Joanne Oatts (She/Her)

Joanne Oatts, host of The Outvertising Podcast, is stepping down from her role as presenter and Head of Podcasting. 

Since creating the podcast in September 2019, with help from Outvertising chair Mark Runacus, Joanne has interviewed and hosted over 40 inspiring guests and put out over 20 episodes, sharing discussions, panels and interviews with LGBTQ+ people and allies working in and around the advertising and marketing industry. 

Speaking about her decision, Joanne said:

I’m so proud of what we’ve created in The Outvertising Podcast and the stories we’ve been able to share. It’s vital that all LGBTQ+ voices in our industry are given a platform to be heard. Myself, and the Podcast and Communications Teams, have put a lot of work into making that happen. But the pandemic has forced many of us to shift, pivot and reassess our work/life balance in some way - myself included. So it seems like a good time to hang up the headphones and hand over the mic to some new voices. That said, I doubt I’ll be far from any Outvertising events or socials in the future!

There’s never a good time to say goodbye, but I’m confident I’m leaving The Outvertising Podcast in the hands of a great team. Some exciting episodes have already been planned for the coming months, with new voices and new formats being showcased. I’ll definitely be listening in, and so should you!

In addition to the podcast, Joanne is a freelance creative director, one half of creative and scriptwriting team OattsWinter (with Mark Winter) and editor of creativity platform, FasterIdeas.com

Jonathan Palmer, Outvertising co-director of Training and Development, will be taking over as interim host of the podcast.

Joanne will be greatly missed by everyone at Outvertising and she is wished the best.

If you would be interested in hosting our podcast, please get in contact.

Do you have any questions? Please contact us via our enquiry form.

Keep up-to-date with news about Outvertising on our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can sign up to our newsletter!

Appear on the Outvertising Podcast - October 2020

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Work-Life Balance, post COVID-19

October is the month of World Mental Health Day and National Work-Life Week.

And the month the government's furlough scheme comes to an end, as many brands and agencies may start a return to the office. But with fears around a second COVID-19 wave, redundancies across the industry and increasing numbers of people actually preferring to work from home - what does that means for work/life balance and the mental health of our industry?

Especially for the LGBTQ+ community - who are twice as likely to experience mental health issues.

The Outvertising Podcast is looking for a small group to discuss their fears, concerns and if they wish, personal stories.

We'd also like to hear from agencies and brands about what measures they're putting in place to support staff wellbeing. You'll be needed for 1-hour one evening in late September (on a mutually agreed date), and you'll need a stable internet connection. The chat will be pre-recorded and then broadcast on or around the 7/10.

Contact us via podcast enquiry form at the bottom of the page. if you'd like to take part. Deadline 14th September.

Keep up-to-date with news about Outvertising on our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can sign up to our newsletter!

Our podcast needs you! - #PrideInside

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Appear in our podcast for Pride month 2020!

If you want a chance to be heard in our #PrideInside podcast episode, simply complete the short video response form below and tell us who you are and how you are celebrating pride during the lockdown.


The response form is now closed - Thank you for your participation.

Find out more about our podcast or listen to this episode directly on Spotify or iTunes.

Keep up-to-date with news about Outvertising on our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can sign up to our newsletter!