Farewell and thank you to Outvertising podcast founder, Joanne Oatts

Joanne Oatts (She/Her)

Joanne Oatts (She/Her)

Joanne Oatts, host of The Outvertising Podcast, is stepping down from her role as presenter and Head of Podcasting. 

Since creating the podcast in September 2019, with help from Outvertising chair Mark Runacus, Joanne has interviewed and hosted over 40 inspiring guests and put out over 20 episodes, sharing discussions, panels and interviews with LGBTQ+ people and allies working in and around the advertising and marketing industry. 

Speaking about her decision, Joanne said:

I’m so proud of what we’ve created in The Outvertising Podcast and the stories we’ve been able to share. It’s vital that all LGBTQ+ voices in our industry are given a platform to be heard. Myself, and the Podcast and Communications Teams, have put a lot of work into making that happen. But the pandemic has forced many of us to shift, pivot and reassess our work/life balance in some way - myself included. So it seems like a good time to hang up the headphones and hand over the mic to some new voices. That said, I doubt I’ll be far from any Outvertising events or socials in the future!

There’s never a good time to say goodbye, but I’m confident I’m leaving The Outvertising Podcast in the hands of a great team. Some exciting episodes have already been planned for the coming months, with new voices and new formats being showcased. I’ll definitely be listening in, and so should you!

In addition to the podcast, Joanne is a freelance creative director, one half of creative and scriptwriting team OattsWinter (with Mark Winter) and editor of creativity platform, FasterIdeas.com

Jonathan Palmer, Outvertising co-director of Training and Development, will be taking over as interim host of the podcast.

Joanne will be greatly missed by everyone at Outvertising and she is wished the best.

If you would be interested in hosting our podcast, please get in contact.

Do you have any questions? Please contact us via our enquiry form.

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Clear Channel's Lucy McKillop elected as Joint Chief Executive Officer at Outvertising

Outvertising diversifies their leadership structure with a new Joint Chief Executive Officer position.

Elected and ratified by the Outvertising board in January 2021, Clear Channel’s Lucy McKillop, joins existing Chief Executive Officer, Mark Runacus MBE from Wax/On. Both will be equally sharing the Chief Executive Officer position and responsibilities.

As Head of Brand Marketing at Clear Channel and previously as Co-director of Communications at Outvertising, Lucy's election represents a strong and robust entrance into 2021 as Joint Chief Executive Officer.

Lucy had the following to say while discussing her ambitions for Outvertising in 2021 and beyond.

Lucy McKillop (She/Her)

Lucy McKillop (She/Her)

When I found Outvertising a couple of years ago, I felt like I’d found my people. It’s a real honour to have been elected the organisation’s joint-chief exec; I’m proud to represent the bi community and women by taking up this post.

I’ve got lots of hopes for what co-leading the organisation alongside Mark Runacus MBE will achieve, but in reality, it boils down to two things. One, opening up Outvertising to even more people, thereby helping as many LGBTQ+ people as possible in our industry. And two, I hope that we continue the amazing work we’ve already been doing to amplify as many voices as we can; delivering valuable, useful content, advice and support for the LGBTQ+ community in the ad industry while showing the importance of representing us in the creative work our industry makes.

Current chair Mark Runacus has welcomed Lucy into the fold stating:

Mark Runacus MBE (He/Him)

Mark Runacus MBE (He/Him)

As our organisation continues to grow rapidly, and we need to continually review how we work. It was quickly identified that an additional CEO would be instrumental, and Lucy fits the bill brilliantly.

With plenty of challenges and opportunities on the horizon, the Outvertising board and network are excited to see what Mark and Lucy will achieve together.

Do you have any questions? Please contact us via our enquiry form.

Keep up-to-date with news about Outvertising on our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can sign up to our newsletter!

End of year message from Outvertising Chief Executive Officer

A message from Mark Runacus, Outvertising Chief Executive Officer:

Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021!

At this time I’m sure you’ll be reading lots of reflections on 2020 and predictions for 2021.  From my Outvertising LGBTQ+ perspective 2020 was overshadowed by mental health issues.

So many of my queer colleagues found lockdown really difficult: loneliness, work and money worries, living with others less tolerant, and more. It was tough and continues to be tough. At Outvertising we did what we could by having regular open house  Zoom chats, but I know that’s no replacement for face to face, supportive, human contact. The main message we shared was, you’re not alone.

On a more personal note I think 2020 made me braver. In such strange circumstances I felt able to take decisions that hitherto I wouldn’t even have considered. For example, in my day job we decided to close our office permanently. That was such a weird feeling; my optimistic colleagues were telling everyone “we’re virtual” but inside I was thinking “we’re homeless!” 

Despite the COVID crisis  Outvertising achieved a lot in 2020.  There’s more about that coming up. And I want to say Thank You to the team for everything they’ve done. For hard work, for LGBTQ+ activism, and for enduring friendship.

We have an even more ambitious plan for 2021. And if you’re not yet directly involved, we are looking for volunteers to help us deliver that plan: to make brands and their creative and media partners more LGBTQ+ inclusive,  to create positive role models, and to erase prejudice.  So if you’re thinking of a 2021 resolution, you know what to do.  Get in touch. It would be great to see you.

Keep up-to-date with news about Outvertising on our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can sign up to our newsletter!