
New podcast: LGBT History Month With Guy Duncan, Anthony Crocker & Lee Menzies-Pearson

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February is LGBT History Month

To celebrate, Joanne Oatts delves into the past with Guy Duncan, Marketing Consultant & Outvertising's Director of Industry Affairs, Lee-Menzies Pearson, Senior Strategist at Collider & co-author of The Outvertising Guide and Anthony Crocker, The Telegraph’s Head of Campaign Innovation & chair of LGBT+ media network IntermediaUK. We talk LGBT ads, TV and media stories of the past; icons & roles models, and what’s changed about the scene - and the ad industry - over the years.

Plus our guests get challenged with an LGBTQ+ history quiz.

Listen to our podcast on Spotify and iTunes.

Keep up-to-date with news about Outvertising on our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can sign up to our newsletter!

Introducing the Outvertising podcast

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The new Advertising Podcast for LGBTQ+ professionals

Hosted by ex Smooth and Gaydar Radio presenter Joanne Oatts, The Outvertising Podcast is now on air. We aim to broadcast a new episode every month - more often if we can. It will feature inspiring LGBTQ+ folk and straight allies in conversation with Joanne, along with round table discussions about the issues that matter as we lobby brands and their partners for improved LGBTQ+ representation in advertising and marketing.

Listen to our podcast on Spotify and iTunes.

Keep up-to-date with news about Outvertising on our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can sign up to our newsletter!