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12:30 pm12:30

Is the advertising industry coming out?


Outvertising is hosting a round table to drive awareness of Coming Out Day 2020.

We would think the advertising and marketing industries are one of the most diverse out there, but the reality is that a lot of people still live in the closet for fear of their sexuality changing the way they’re treated at work and affecting their career prospects. We also know approximately 38% of graduates joining our industry go back in the closet at their first jobs because they don't feel safe to be freely out in their workplace.

It feels like something’s not quite right here.

This event is bringing together LGBTQ+ industry leaders and allies for them to share their coming out experiences as well as getting insights about how organisations can do better to drive inclusion and safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community. 

Event details:

  • What's happening?

    • Round table discussion

    • Moderator - Jonathan Palmer Co-director of Training and Developmentt at Outvertising

    • Panellists - Martin Davies founder of Smarty Pants, Lee Beattie co-founder and Joint-MD of WIRE, Emy Mendoza Events Ditector at Outvertising, and Ella Hall.

  • When's it happening?

    • From 12.30 pm BST on Wednesday 7 October 2020

    • 60 Minutes

  • Where's it happening?

    • Virtually, via zoom

  • What's the price?

    • Free to enter

  • Where do I book?

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