
Tell us what you want to hear - Outvertising Podcast

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Outvertising Awards - One Minute Briefs - July

For the Accelerator Award 2020, we are collaborating with One Minute Briefs!

The Outvertising Awards 2020 are still on and the first of our two-part Accelerator Award went live on Wednesday 14 July.

Our first One Minute Brief, challenged professional or arm-chair creatives to first help break habits and bake in more inclusivity into their work.

“Create posters to encourage the creative industry to be more inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community with @Outvertising #InclusiveCreativity”

Over 200 entries were submitted and viewed by our judge’s panel at the next day review session.

Below are some of the entries discussed:

The second brief will go live on Wednesday 12 August 2020.

  • Stay tuned for updates.

The Drum picked up the Brief, you can read the full article here.

Keep up-to-date with news about Outvertising on our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can sign up to our newsletter!

DMA Awards - #DareToBeJudged


The DMA Awards is the only awards in UK marketing to reward campaigns that make a difference: they are the proving ground for work that works.

Applications to judge are now open for 2020, if you would like to apply to be a judge, please fill out the form, here.

With Creative EqualsOutvertising and CultureHeroes we aim to have the most inclusive judging panel across the industry.

Judging is taking place between Wednesday 7 October – Wednesday 14 October 2020

Keep up-to-date with news about Outvertising on our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can sign up to our newsletter!